I was beginning to think techno was going to disapear up its own arse a year or so ago. Everything sounded so arty, fancy dare I say minimal? Nothing will measure up to the sound of the late 90's to zero's imo but theres hell of a lot of good shit out there if you turn over a few rocks to get at it.
Back then you had an afternoon in your local vinyl shop to pick out your tunes. Now your constantly assaulted on social networks etc with new material to listen to. Which is good, we never had it so good rather than mixtapes and mp3's to hear whats going on, whats new and fresh.
There's alot more people making techno, alot of different opinions of what is techno. I read alot on here about the scene being saturated with it mostly being utter gash. Fair enough. Just gotta keep sifting through the shit to the gold!