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Thread: question....

  1. #1
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Default question....

    would anyone on this board or in there right mind turn down 400 pounds for 2 hours work, max?

  2. #2
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Im not sucking you off for any amount of money mate

    nice try

  3. #3
    BOA Lifetime Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

  4. #4
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Sep 2003



    ive calmed down a bit now, was absoloutly flaming this morning while trying to negotiate
    with agents....

    some people in techno need to have a serious word with themselfs...

  5. #5
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Bristol, UK


    Have you spoken to the artist you're booking before the agency?, they'll likely tell you who their prefer agent is. I've heard and seen first hand the horror stories of booking an artist through an agency that say they can get that person only for the artist to etiher not be booked for the date or the agency haven't checked with the artist if that booking clashes and after that getting the cash back is near impossible.

    Personally I wouldn't deal with agencies, but then I never bothered with booking big names. Then again I rarely did a night which took money on the door, since it's a f. nightmare.

    Trouble is the big name artists are stuck having to accept work through an agency in order to get more work from them, a kind of forced exclusivity.

  6. #6
    Ultimate Freak
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by FuK-NuT View Post
    would anyone on this board or in there right mind turn down 400 pounds for 2 hours work, max?
    Name and shame!!

  7. #7
    Junior Freak
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    Quote Originally Posted by ritaheed View Post
    Name and shame!!
    I'm guessing it's related to the recent request for contact details of certain DJs ;)

  8. #8
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    You tried to book Ben Sims AND Mark Broom for £400 between them? :p

  9. #9
    Junior Freak
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    Jan 1970


    AND Paul Mac,sorry :p

  10. #10
    BOA Newbie
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    Jan 2006



    Cost of working your way through the scene, buying equipment, giving years of your life often for not much reward, paying for releases, travel and feeding yourself on the 'road' = priceless.

    Cost of practicing, spending time emailing agents, promoters, preparing demo's, vetting promo's and doing enough self promotion to ensure people turn up for your gigs and bother to support releases = at least 3 hours per day EVERY day, again - the cost is almost impossible to measure, but in relation to an average gig - it's about 2 days worth of time, at say, a cheap wage (normally at least £25 per hour but we'll call it £15) = £160

    Time spent travelling to venue and back and including time spent hanging around at venue or hotel, soundcheck, meeting promoters, possibly doing interviews etc is roughly 24 hours or more at the same rate is about £360

    So the basic logistical cost minus usual expenses - taxi (which promoters normally always claim they will reimburse but don't) food (again normally skipped due to promoters wasting time or having to organise themselves or in worst case senario simply 'choosing records to play their own set) is about £520 for one DJ who is in the same ball park as most DJs and liveacts I know.

    With expenses, it's often at least another 50 notes, which is why I don't bother playing a lot of DJ sets for people when they try to 'negotiate' or try to avoid dealing with our agent (we use a good agent - not an agency and she doesn't charge bit agent fees or whatnot - she just makes sure dates don't clash, gigs tie in with releases so that there's plenty of hype for the promoters to buy into and similar - she also acts as a buffer because if some little cunt thinks they are going to try and take the piss, normally our temptation is to tell them we are going to set fire to their house)

    I already do a lot of voluntary work for people far more deserving than your average clubber, so I don't see why I should put myself out of pocket for people that can on average spend £100 quid or more on drugs, drinks, taxis, fags etc on an average night....

    Running a nightclub isn't a ****ing charity - if you really want to do a good service for the people, go and volunteer at a nursing home or a homeless unit or go work with some orphans or put on entertainment for kids who have nothing !!!!!

    But don't turn round to professionals - cap in hand and make them feel bad for charging you less than the value of their work to do a job for you.

  11. #11
    Ultimate Freak
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by AVX23 View Post

    Cost of working your way through the scene, buying equipment, giving years of your life often for not much reward, paying for releases, travel and feeding yourself on the 'road' = priceless.

    Cost of practicing, spending time emailing agents, promoters, preparing demo's, vetting promo's and doing enough self promotion to ensure people turn up for your gigs and bother to support releases = at least 3 hours per day EVERY day, again - the cost is almost impossible to measure, but in relation to an average gig - it's about 2 days worth of time, at say, a cheap wage (normally at least £25 per hour but we'll call it £15) = £160

    Time spent travelling to venue and back and including time spent hanging around at venue or hotel, soundcheck, meeting promoters, possibly doing interviews etc is roughly 24 hours or more at the same rate is about £360

    So the basic logistical cost minus usual expenses - taxi (which promoters normally always claim they will reimburse but don't) food (again normally skipped due to promoters wasting time or having to organise themselves or in worst case senario simply 'choosing records to play their own set) is about £520 for one DJ who is in the same ball park as most DJs and liveacts I know.

    With expenses, it's often at least another 50 notes, which is why I don't bother playing a lot of DJ sets for people when they try to 'negotiate' or try to avoid dealing with our agent (we use a good agent - not an agency and she doesn't charge bit agent fees or whatnot - she just makes sure dates don't clash, gigs tie in with releases so that there's plenty of hype for the promoters to buy into and similar - she also acts as a buffer because if some little cunt thinks they are going to try and take the piss, normally our temptation is to tell them we are going to set fire to their house)

    I already do a lot of voluntary work for people far more deserving than your average clubber, so I don't see why I should put myself out of pocket for people that can on average spend £100 quid or more on drugs, drinks, taxis, fags etc on an average night....

    Running a nightclub isn't a ****ing charity - if you really want to do a good service for the people, go and volunteer at a nursing home or a homeless unit or go work with some orphans or put on entertainment for kids who have nothing !!!!!

    But don't turn round to professionals - cap in hand and make them feel bad for charging you less than the value of their work to do a job for you.
    good post.

    100 pounds though, bloody hell people are mugs.

  12. #12
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    generally agents are cunts, but some are nice!

    the price tho, is the price, take it or leave it!

  13. #13
    Ultimate Freak
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    a gig is a gig at the end of the day and to get £400 for doing something you love is a bonus

    understand what AVX23 is saying aswell though

  14. #14
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    @ smear...of course i didnt.

    @ que, this is how i've 99% worked in the past contacting artists direct....i put on parties where
    ive provided a platform for enthusiastic like minded techno lovers. its worked for 7 years with a
    positive result those that might not have been given a chance have had a chance to play to a
    crowd of more than up for it punters(who pay little money) and have been glad to do so.

    in this instance i've tried to do something a bit different and been promptly reminded
    why i dont deal with people like this. i'm in no way trying to take the piss, i offered
    what i saw sensible for both parties ie promoter & artist. sadly it fell on death ears, absoloutly
    no taking into account our small scene, small venue and our ethos and why we run a
    night...point blank 1000z of pounds plus flights, hotels and an agency fee etc...body swerve

    im just not in the same mind set as many around these here parts, im not in it to make
    coin i have a job and other interests that supply me with an income...I put on parties
    for the enjoyment factor...seeing people bounce about to something you have spent
    time and energy creating is far better than any cash reward imo..

    fuk it i'm over it now lesson learnt...bak to the original script..
    Last edited by FuK-NuT; 16-05-2011 at 06:46 PM.

  15. #15
    Supreme Freak
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    Sep 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by AVX23 View Post

    Cost of working your way through the scene, buying equipment, giving years of your life often for not much reward, paying for releases, travel and feeding yourself on the 'road' = priceless.

    Cost of practicing, spending time emailing agents, promoters, preparing demo's, vetting promo's and doing enough self promotion to ensure people turn up for your gigs and bother to support releases = at least 3 hours per day EVERY day, again - the cost is almost impossible to measure, but in relation to an average gig - it's about 2 days worth of time, at say, a cheap wage (normally at least £25 per hour but we'll call it £15) = £160

    Time spent travelling to venue and back and including time spent hanging around at venue or hotel, soundcheck, meeting promoters, possibly doing interviews etc is roughly 24 hours or more at the same rate is about £360

    So the basic logistical cost minus usual expenses - taxi (which promoters normally always claim they will reimburse but don't) food (again normally skipped due to promoters wasting time or having to organise themselves or in worst case senario simply 'choosing records to play their own set) is about £520 for one DJ who is in the same ball park as most DJs and liveacts I know.

    With expenses, it's often at least another 50 notes, which is why I don't bother playing a lot of DJ sets for people when they try to 'negotiate' or try to avoid dealing with our agent (we use a good agent - not an agency and she doesn't charge bit agent fees or whatnot - she just makes sure dates don't clash, gigs tie in with releases so that there's plenty of hype for the promoters to buy into and similar - she also acts as a buffer because if some little cunt thinks they are going to try and take the piss, normally our temptation is to tell them we are going to set fire to their house)

    I already do a lot of voluntary work for people far more deserving than your average clubber, so I don't see why I should put myself out of pocket for people that can on average spend £100 quid or more on drugs, drinks, taxis, fags etc on an average night....

    Running a nightclub isn't a ****ing charity - if you really want to do a good service for the people, go and volunteer at a nursing home or a homeless unit or go work with some orphans or put on entertainment for kids who have nothing !!!!!

    But don't turn round to professionals - cap in hand and make them feel bad for charging you less than the value of their work to do a job for you.
    fully aware of this man as ive put time in myself...

    not out to do bad here and my cap was no where near my hand and empty. just think agents
    need to do a bit more research when negotiating, listening wouldnt go a miss either instead of
    just putting a flat rate uk price on it, how does this help the little guy? i aint selling my house or arse to bring anyone in techno to scotland. ;)

  16. #16
    Junior Freak
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Bristol, UK


    Quote Originally Posted by FuK-NuT View Post
    fully aware of this man as ive put time in myself...

    not out to do bad here and my cap was no where near my hand and empty. just think agents
    need to do a bit more research when negotiating, listening wouldnt go a miss either instead of
    just putting a flat rate uk price on it, how does this help the little guy? i aint selling my house or arse to bring anyone in techno to scotland. ;)
    Good to see it's not just about money ;)

    Thing is I wonder if it would be any different booking say any of the Sativae lot? Not that you'd want to book Dave Tarrida, last time I saw him I got very bored very quickly, mind you may be different if he was playing Scotland rather than poncey London.

  17. #17
    BOA Newbie
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    Not to have a dig at you personally Chris, was a bit sweary so I apologise.

    Point still stands, and re: the Sativa guys - you'd probably find they were of similar minds, I had a similar chat with one of them a while about this sort of thing but won't speak for them.

    Sometimes it's a bit of an unspoken thing - but to make it real simple, in the world we live in - stuff costs money, like it or not, that's what we have right now, and if you prefer alternatives then more power to you - go make merry in the free-party scene or whatnot - I hear it's great fun ;) And I mean that sincerely.

    But as far as asking grown adults, with responsibilities and lifes to maintain, then it's a bit different and the least you can expect is someone's gonna ask you for what they think they are worth, if you can't match it - there's no point greetin about it.

    Might seem boring, but it's a take it or leave it deal usually, the people you are asking don't need the exposure, they've probably had years of people taking advantage of them and have a buisness to run which will normally continue whether you book them or not...

  18. #18
    Supreme Freak
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    all good man....just venting a bit fraustration, i know shit aint gona change.

    as for swamping it up...no ta, had my fill of that aswell. ;)



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