The pre/post toggle for send effects is something which I've known about but never really paid attention to until recently. let me explain the scenario...

Basically, I had my vocal with eq n distortion (inserts) (btw its a hardcore tune, not techno, but work with me people ;) ) n sent said vocal off to my reverb and delay (sends). Now, I noticed that the reverb and delay were spitting out the unprocessed vocal (i.e. no distortion!). Now, this was fixed by flicking a switch I'd previously never used... the post fader switch. Problem solved.

But then I got thinking... maybe I'm missing something, but doesn't it make sense to have all of your sends post fader? By default in cubase their pre, but surely you'd want to be delaying an eq'd version of your synths etc. and the same with reverb and chorus etc.?

Any help is much appreciated.
